
What Is Security Monthly Quality Rollup For Windows 7

Bila anda tidak dapat memasukan kebutuhan update.

Pertimbangan untuk menunggu update dari Microsoft patch Mei 2020 dan membaca keterangan tentang Patch.
Update yang diberikan untuk Extend

12 Oktober 2021
This security update includes improvements and fixes that were a part of update KB5005633 (released September 14, 2021) and addresses the following problems:
Addresses an result in which an Net impress server cannot packet the driver to transport to the client.
Adds the power to configure period or dot (.) delimited IP addresses interchangeably with fully qualified host names in the following Group Policy settings:
Package Point and Impress - Approved Servers
Point and Impress Restrictions
Addresses an outcome in which Security Account Manager (SAM) events are not displayed properly in the Outcome Viewer.

Security Monthly Quality Rollup for Windows 7 for x86-based Systems (KB5006743) Windows vii Security Updates  242.two MB
Security Monthly Quality Rollup for Windows 7 for x64-based Systems (KB5006743) Windows seven Security Updates 363.8 MB

+ Windows 7 update KB5006743

12 Mei 2020

Windows 7  KB4556836
Addresses an issue that prevents sure apps from installing if they are published using a Group Policy Object.
Addresses an outcome that causes Windows to incorrectly study the connectedness state of a network interface. The issue might cause software that queries the media connection state to receive a issue of "Unknown" from a network interface subsequently installing Windows updates released after Feb 11, 2020. This effect has been observed in the Network Access Managing director component of the Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client.
Updates the 2020 start appointment for daylight saving time (DST) in the Kingdom of Morocco. For more information, see KB4557900.
Security updates to Internet Explorer, the Microsoft Scripting Engine, Windows App Platform and Frameworks, Windows Apps, Windows Input and Composition, Windows Kernel, Internet Information Services, Windows Network Security and Containers, Windows Active Directory, the Microsoft JET Database Engine, and Windows Storage and Filesystems.

+ KB4556843 - downloaded manually

+ KB4556836  - downloaded manually

14 April 2020
Microsoft masih memberikan update untuk Windows seven, tapi untuk patch dibawah ini

Addresses an consequence that might crusade sure operations, such as rename, to fail when you perform those operations on files or folders that are on a Cluster Shared Book (CSV). The mistake is, "STATUS_BAD_IMPERSONATION_LEVEL (0xC00000A5)". This issue occurs when you perform the operation on a CSV owner node from a process that doesn't accept ambassador privilege.
Security updates to Cyberspace Explorer, the Microsoft Scripting Engine, Windows Kernel, Windows App Platform and Frameworks, Windows Graphics, Windows Media, Windows Deject Infrastructure, Windows Fundamentals, Windows Core Networking, and the Microsoft JET Database Engine.
Security updates to Windows Kernel, Windows App Platform and Frameworks, Windows Graphics, Windows Media, Windows Cloud Infrastructure, Windows Fundamentals, Windows Core Networking, and the Microsoft JET Database Engine.

Microsoft Apr 14, 2020—KB4550964 (Monthly Rollup)

Microsoft April 14, 2020—KB4550965 (Security-only update)

Update terakhir (kllatanya) Microsoft Windows 7

13 Januari 2020, Microsoft merilis update Windows 7. Karena bulan Januari 2020 menjadi hari terakhir Microsoft memberi dukungan seperti perbaikan OS Windows vii

Update tertanggal 13 Januari 2020. 314MB.

January 14, 2020—KB4534309 (Security-merely update)

Microsoft merilis security patch untuk Windows 7 dan Windows viii.

Apakah patch tersebut untuk sistem keamanan OS Windows saja.

Juli 2019, Windows seven yang mendapat patch ternyata mengaktifkan kembali Telemetry.

- Memasukan program lain
- ProgramDataUpdater
- Microsoft Compatibility Appraiser
- AitAgent

Windows 7 akan memasuki masa dukungan untuk mendapatkan pembaruan. Mengapa Microsoft memasukan telemetry bagi estimator berbasis Windows 7.
Sedangkan Windows viii.1 baru berakhir 10 Januari 2023 nanti.
Bila ada peningkatan fitur, patch di Windows baru dilakukan setelah four tahun terakhir.

Apa yang dikumpulkan oleh Microsoft dengan mencatata telemetri di computer penguna

Tidak tahu. Telemetri sering diremehkan, berupa information tidak penting seperti kebiasaan penguna computer sehari-hari.
Mengapa Microsoft baru mengumpulkan sekarang, dimana ii OS tersebut sudah dipensiunkan.

Bila ada yang rajin mengupdate dari patch Microsoft. Dapat menonaktifkan telemetri yang ada di sistem Task Scheduler.

Info dari Computerworld

-    Disabling (or deleting) these schedule tasks later installation (before reboot) should be enough to turn off the appraiser
-   \Microsoft\Windows\Application Feel\ProgramDataUpdater
-    \Microsoft\Windows\Application Experience\Microsoft Compatibility Appraiser
-    \Microsoft\Windows\Awarding Feel\AitAgent

** Sebelum merubah atau mengunakan aplikasi Disable Telemetry. Pastikan computer tidak membutuhkan layanan Disable Telemetry Windows akan memblok koneksi estimator ke server Masalah di Windows adalah tanggung jawab anda sendiri**

Cara cepat Disable Telemetry Windows

i. Click Control Panel
2. Action Center
3. Change Activity Middle Settings
4. Customer Experience Improvement Plan Settings dan pilih No

Disable Telemety Windows

Mengunakan software tool dibawah ini. Hati hati figurer anda mungkin akan bermasalah dengan software Microsoft.

Catatan : resiko masalah software ditangan penguna.

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Disable Win Tracking (Free) Windows 10

Destroy Windows ten Spying (Free) Windows 10

W10Privacy (Costless)

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WPD (free) Windows 7+

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Font Windows dapat diatur sesuai kebutuhan kita. Dengan memberi nama font TTF atau merubah file OTF ke TTF terlebih dahulu, dan membuat nama font menjadi satu kelompok. Akan mempercepat memilih font bagi mereka yang suka membuat konten. Dari video konten, disain, foto yang memerlukan keterangan huruf dalam gambar dan video. Bagaimana mengatur nama font agar terlihat dalam satu grup.

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What Is Security Monthly Quality Rollup For Windows 7,


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